Category Archives: Office Supplies

This Tape Dispenser Walks Into a Bar

We all know how valuable the right kind of adhesive can be for a project at home but did you know that’s not the only place these tools of the trade can help out?

This Tape Dispenser Walks Into a Bar, orders her favorite beverage and an appetizer, and heads to the table she always occupies.  The owner walks over carrying her order and with a grateful smile, asks if he can sit down.  “Of course,” the diminutive office accessory said.

“I just want to thank you,” he began with a strained voice.  “We’re having a rough time gaining new customers, so your patronage means so much to us.  Please don’t misunderstand, but with all the options in town, why do you keep coming back?”

Looking up at him and smiling, she said, “Well that’s easy…when I like something, I stick to it.”





After the joke comes the vote…how many glasses are you going to slap on the bar for this one?