Category Archives: ~W.I.A.B. Challenge

This Rake Walks Into a Bar

Today marks another WIN for me in the W.I.A.B. Challenge.  Seven submissions so far and three jokes completed puts me at a 42% success ratio and I’m not done yet.  But now, all I can say to Chrissy, my latest challenger, is…

This Rake Walks Into a Bar and buys a round for everyone in the house.  The owner walks up and starts thanking him profusely for his generosity and then tells his patrons who they can thank for their liquid surprise.  Amazed by this act of sharing with strangers and appreciating the joy he’s evenly distributed around the pub, the customers start applauding and cheering, but the little scraper stands and says, “Please, it’s no big deal.  I’ve made it my life’s work to spread things around.”

Time to Vote

When you’re done laughing, hope you’ll take a  moment and place some glasses on the bar as your way of voting.  Need to learn more about how to vote?

And if you want to find out when new jokes are completed and I’m victorious again, use the sign up form (near the top of the page) to get updates.

This Good Day Walks into a Bar

Here comes the second entry into the W.I.A.B Challenge.

This Good Day walks into a bar that he’s never been to before and steps up to order a drink.  Sam, the barkeep walks over and says, “Good day, what’ll you have?”  Stunned, Mr. Dawn-to-dark replies, “How did you know who I am?”  Sam grins and says, “Hey, we just try and be a cheery sort of place because we know that sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.”

Glasses on the bar - E





Check out the voting scale and then place some glasses on the bar for this joke.


President Obama walks into a bar

A friend of mine at work was the first to take the W.I.A.B. challenge, which you’re welcome to   read more about, thinking I couldn’t write a joke about President Obama walking into a bar.  After several weeks of near catastrophic breakdowns and comic blocks (don’t believe much of that), the following came forth from somewhere in my mind.

President Obama walks into a bar and drops heavily onto an empty bar stool between four men, all head down, engrossed in their drink of choice.  The man on his right looks up slightly from his drink and whispers, “Had a tough day Mr. President?”  The president looks over at his bar companion and is stunned to see George H. W. Bush.  He’s even more astonished to see who’s sitting next to the former president; Bill Clinton.

Suddenly, President Obama feels a tap on his left shoulder and turning, looks into the eyes of Jimmy Carter.  Before the flabbergasted president has a chance to say hello, the man next to former President Carter, George H. Bush, pokes his head up and smiles at everyone.

After a collective gasp, they suddenly begin talking and sharing White House stories like best friends. The bartender, a former card dealer in Vegas, turns to a co-worker and quips, “I think we just got dealt a political full house.”

How many glasses on the bar do you give this joke?  Read the voting scale