Knock Knock

There’s a lot I love about my wife, and near the top is her sense of humor. Not only can she be funny, but her speed at coming up with the jokes sometimes leaves me laughing so hard, I’m nearly breathless; as in today’s first ‘Couple’s Comedy‘ post.

We were heading off to sleep one night, when I asked my wife if I could tell her a Knock-Knock joke I’d just created. Here’s how that exchange took place…

  • Husband: Hey honey, I’ve got a new Knock-Knock joke. Can I share it with you?
  • Wife: OK.
  • Husband: Knock-Knock…
  • Wife: I’m too tired to get up and answer the door.


BOOM! My laughter exploded (and so did hers) and there wasn’t any way I was going to share my joke with her then. Why bother…we already had all the laughter we could handle. I never resented not being able to tell her my new funny, and especially not, a few months after the initial incident, when I began to tell ‘her’ joke to people, and realized I had no recollection of the Knock-Knock joke I wanted to tell her that night.

Seeking Subsequent Snickers?

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