Tag Archives: TryingToSellUssSomething

Welcome to a Whimsical Woman

My Wonderful Wife Ellen, joins the Laughter League of Walks Into a Bar today, with her own style of humor and very first joke. And to think that it all started because of the phone ringing this morning. Meet “Wifely Wit“.


I think my wife Ellen’s new nickname should be ‘Quick Draw McIntyre’. 

She got a call today, on her California cell phone, from an area we lived in over six years ago. It was probably someone trying to ‘sell’ us something and the lady said, “Hi, I’m looking for Scott.” [that would be me]

Ellen, without missing a beat, replied, “Hi, so am I.  Do you know where he’s at.” 

The lady immediately hung up.

Did I get another one or what?

Now, if that wasn’t enough to get me laughing (and it was), it didn’t stop there. A little later, when I told her about the creation of my new joke genre (Wifely Wit), she goes, “Oh, well it’s good you didn’t call it ‘Witless Wifey’.”

I laughed again, even knowing I could never do that because it would be so untrue.

Is there room in your day for another chuckle? Check out these other team members of the Laughter League.