This Celestial Body walks into a bar

While trying to find out when the ‘walks into a bar’ joke genre began, I discovered that they have a page on Wikipedia.  The subject of this type of joke, according to the article, can be a man or woman, a famous person, people of various occupations, animals, and even inanimate objects.  We couldn’t agree more which might explain today’s subject.

This celestial body walks into a bar without a penny to his name and orders a pitcher of beer and four different appetizers.  The server brings everything ordered and says, “That will be $39 please.”  Between bites the planetoid calmly replies, “I don’t have any money.”  The bar manager, overhearing their exchange, immediately heads to the table and asks in a loud and angry voice, “If you couldn’t pay, why did you order all this food and beer?”  The heavenly sphere, clearly enjoying his food, looks up and says, “I figured after I ate everything you’d be happy and then it wouldn’t make any difference that I couldn’t pay.”  The bar manager, clearly bewildered, shakes his head and says, “And why in the world would you think that”  The glowing orb looked up and said, “Well, doesn’t everyone enjoy seeing a full moon?”


Time to count up the glasses on the bar for this!  Read the voting scale




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